Boy has this ever been a whirlwind of the past couple of months. With 4 or 5 visiting artist lectures, making fluffy wool clouds for a window display, weaving, workshops, reading for classes, writing papers (its been a long time), and diving head first into dying fabrics and making art quilts, the first half of this semester has FLOWN by!
So here it is the middle of November and I am just getting around to sharing what I've been working on here in Portland:)
So here is a little taste of what I have been working on so far...
Starting with the dying, this is one of the larger pieces I did. It was first painted with dye in a gradient of 2 colors, batiked, then thrown into another dye bath.
This is a piece I made in the Jane Lackey workshop I took. It was a 2 day course at OCAC, where we were challenged to take everyday found materials and create a piece using 56 points and connect them in some way.
Here are some shots of the weaving I've been doing. So far I only have pics of the loom set up, since we just started weaving last week. It took about 12hrs just to set up the loom!
This is a shot of my very first attempt at an art quilt.
And these are some current shots of what I am working on now, which I am really excited about!
These are photographs that I have taken and printed out on fabric.
Yay! Stay tuned as I will be posting some finished projects quite soon. And after this weekend I will have some photos of the fluffy wool clouds I made with one of my classmates for a window display:)
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