Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Foggy Dream, A Distant Memory

I used to dream of one day becoming a fine artist.  One whose hand gently painted, sketched, and mimicked my thoughts and dreams into beautiful works of art.  Using color to portray moods and emotions, using lines and shapes to create drama and intrigue.  Ahhhh to be an artist!  It just always seemed to be the perfect way to express your emotions good or bad, besides being a rock star:)
This is a tribute to my dream...I created a Treasury in Etsy of just some of my favorite "fine" artists.
Please check it out and give the artists some love!

Is there anything you dreamed to be?  Are you living your dream now?


  1. Some of my favorite artists are here!

  2. Love this Treasury! I dreamed of being an artist too.. traveling all over the world, painting from inspirational mountain tops, and gorgeous waterfalls.. I think little by little.. my dream is coming true due to supportive friends like you, and a whole lot of faith :)

  3. We have good taste Aube;)

    I know you'll be there one day Angel!
